

Access video introductions

Click these links and view videos introducing Access.
Requires: www.apple.com/quicktime/download/

::welcome 0:25 (4.4 MB)

1. Database Fundamentals
::what is a database? 2:09 (4.6 MB)
::understanding database design 2:11 (1.7 MB)
::system overview 4:03 (3.9 MB)
::analyze current system 1:53 (1.3 MB)
::define data elements 11:16 (10.5 MB)
::normalization 7:41 (7.3 MB)
::establish relationships 8:09 (11 MB)
::testing and review 2:11 (1.7 MB)
::naming conventions 4:03 (3.6 MB)

More links may be available at this address in the future.

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