

Access Pre-test Points for Review

  1. Find the CONTROL SOURCE property and the FORMAT property when in Forms design view or Report design view.

  2. Find long date format property; see also short date format property in Forms and Reports.

  3. Before the next steps, make sure there is a relationship between the 2 tables you are using.
    Make sure your reports and forms are clearly organized for the user.
    Use the forms wizard to create a 2-table form. Make a form header of your choice.

  4. Use the reports wizard to create a report based on 2 tables. Make sure you group the details. Place a sum, count or average in the GROUP FOOTER and in the REPORT FOOTER.

  5. Copy any normal "Select" query. Convert this normal "select query" into a "Make table query". View then RUN this query. See if the table was created.

  6. Create a calculated field in a query (example: [A]*[B]). Call the field RESULT.

  7. Create the same calculated field in a auto form, tabular.

  8. Create the same calculated field in an auto report.

  9. Use the report design view GROUPING BUTTON to group and sort the details in your reports. (Next to the toolbox button in the toolbar). Don't forget to turn the GROUP HEADER and GROUP FOOTER on if required.

  10. Learn to create a custom label. Use the Post Office standard presentation.

  11. Delete the custom label and create an Avery English 5161 label.

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