

Basic Mouse moves

-Left handed users; please reverse these instructions as required.
-Some may prefer to position then stabilize the mouse by sliding the thumb and ring finger to the mouse pad before clicking.

Slide the mouse until the tip of the pointertouches the area you want to affect.

1. Position the pointer2. Use the index to press the left button of the mouse3. Release the left button

Double click:
1. Position the pointer
2. Use the index to press the left button of the mouse twice ( LESS than 1/2 sec appart)

Two click:
1. Position the pointer
2. Use the index to press the left button of the mouse twice ( MORE than 1/2 sec appart)

Right click:
1. Position the pointer
2. Use the middle finger to press the right button of the mouse
3. Release the right button of the mouse.

Click and drag:
1. Position the pointer
2. Use the index to press and hold the left button of the mouse
3. Slide the mouse with the object to the new position
4. Release the left button

Click and RIGHT drag:
1. Position the pointer
2. Use the index to press and hold the RIGHT button of the mouse
3. Slide the mouse with the object to the new position
4. Release the RIGHT button
5. Click on an option from the menu using the LEFT button of the mouse.
Two click:
1. Position the pointer
2. Use the index to press the left button of the mouse twice ( more than 1/2 sec appart)
3. Release the left button

This is used for "in place editing", in Windows and most applications.
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