

Basic Keyboard moves

Esc or Échap
Cancels a command before it has started to execute.
Tabulation ß or à
Creates an indent at the beginning of a paragraph or moves the pointer around in a dialogue box.
Caps Lock or Fix Maj.
Puts all alphabetic characters into uppercase. This is a toggle key; that is its effect is turned on and off each time you press it. It does not affect symbol keys such as the $, #, ? etc.
Shift or Ý
Used like the shift key on a typewriter to capitalize letters or to get the symbols on the number row. Notice that there is one shift key at each side of the keyboard.
Ctrl & Alt
The Control and Alternate keys are each used together with other keys (in the same way as the Shift key) for a number of special purposes.
Backspace or ¬
Deletes (erases) the character to the immediate LEFT of the insertion point.
Enter or Entrée or ¿
Carries out or validates a command. Shown as the [5 ] key.
Creates a blank line.
Allows you to insert one or more characters to the left of the insertion point.
Deletes (erases) the character to the immediate RIGHT of the insertion point.
Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the line or the first element in a window
Moves the insertion point to the end of the line or the last element in a window
Pg Up or á
Moves the insertion point one screen up.
Pg Dn or â
Moves the insertion point one screen down.
Num Lock
Activates or deactivates the numeric keypad. When the keypad is deactivated, its keys function as the arrow movement keys.
ß â à
Directional keys, to move the insertion point in the same direction.
PrtSc or Impr écran
Print the contents of the screen.
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