

Desktop Publishing

Capable word processors for projects with plenty of text
Claris Works, Microsoft Word and Works (PC or Mac, retail), Impression Style (Acorn, Xemplar) Write Away! (PC, BlackCat)

Easy publishers for rich, mixed layouts
Microsoft Publisher, Serif Page Plus Home/Office Edition, GST Pressworks (all PC, retail), Textease (Acorn, Xemplar), Pendown DTP (Acorn/PC, Logotron), Ovation Pro (Acorn, Xemplar)

Home packages for cards and creativity
Sierra Print Artist, Mindscape PrintMaster Suite, Microsoft Greetings Workshop and Creative Writer 2. (All on PC, from retail outlets)

Serious desktop publishing for cutting edge work
Abobe Pagemaker, Quark Express (PC/Mac) or Impression Publisher (Acorn, Xemplar)

Desktop publishing activity: 2 hours (target: 30 minutes).

Convert this web page to a "Z fold" brochure. Print both pages then use glue stick to build a mock up of your brochure.

Guidelines & tips:

  1. Use CTRL+A and CTRL+C to copy the whole web page. (Text and pictures)
  2. Use a brochure template in Word. Delete all the content and Paste your copy of the web page in it’s place. This should produce a basic 4 page brochure.

Now clean up and reduce this brochure to 2 pages.

  1. Convert all 7 tables to text (menu Table/Convert/Enter).
  2. Convert each image to IN LINE WITH TEXT and reposition them as the last character of a paragraph. Precede each with a SHIFT+ENTER.(Avoid using this very long procedure: Lock each image to a paragraph. Refer to the web page. Note only the images with White handles need to be locked.)
  3. Select all and convert text to 8 points. Don’t bother changing the font.
  4. Replace all LINE BREAKS with ONE SPACE.
  6. Remove the 5 orange oval buttons at the bottom of the document. They provide no information in a brochure.
  7. Insert a column break before the Grouting section, since we want it at the top of a page.
  8. Resize the tool checklist and small floor plan so they fit on the first page.
  9. Resize any photographs to improve visibility or document organization. Make sure you fill exactly 2 pages.
  10. Preview to judge your final product.


Thanks a million for this excellent step-by-step guide to using desktop publishing.
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